Over a year ago, I posted about a goal that I've had in the back of my mind for most of my life, despite having a million excuses for not doing it. Now, I'm happy to report that my husband and I have finished not one, but two half marathons. For the longest time, this goal seemed far off and impossible. It kind of reminds me of grade school. When my sister, who is two years older, used to come home with her text books and do her homework, I'd think to myself "Her homework looks HARD! I'll never be able to do that!" But low and behold, two years later I was learning the same things.
And now that we've run a 1/2 marathon, it feels like no big deal! Walking around Disney World on marathon weekend and seeing thousands of other people with their medals, including full marathon and Goofy challenge medals (running 1/2 marathon on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday) made me feel like kind of a slacker for not going the whole distance. But in case you're wondering, this is NOT a current goal of mine, though I can't promise I won't want to pick up running in the future during a less hectic time in my life.
2010 was a sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating year of training. Making time for both Kyle and me to do long runs on the weekends and maintenance runs during the work week was often a logistical nightmare. We gave up sleep and time together, and shamelessly finagled free babysitting out of numerous friends and family (thanks again for your help-we owe you!)
In the end, it helped that this was a group goal. Kyle and several other mom friends from church as well as Kyle's sister and her friend were working for the same goal, and that helped to keep us all motivated. It was a seriously fun ride and now it is very rewarding to say "We did it!"
By the way, in case you're looking for that romantic photo of Kyle and I crossing the finish line holding hands, you won't find it. During both 1/2 marathons we parted ways around mile 10. The first time I left him, the second time he left me. Turnabout's fair play, he says!
Way to go! So proud of you guys. Chicago Marathon registration opens Feb 1st...